El programa SUPPORT va dirigido exclusivamente a grupos de investigación IDIVAL y financia los gastos de funcionamiento. El importe adjudicado a cada grupo se calcula matemáticamente en base a parámetros de actividad del Grupo, que este aporta a través de su memoria anual y que incluyen trabajos científicos, fondos obtenidos, patentes, etc. El importe de la convocatoria es 360.000 euros.
The SUPPORT program is aimed exclusively at IDIVAL research groups and finances the operating expenses. The amount allocated to each group is calculated mathematically based on parameters of the Group's activity, which it contributes through its annual report and which include scientific works, funds obtained, patents, etc. The amount of the call is 360,000 euros.
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gesval2@idival.orgIf you have any further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to email: